Sunday, October 5, 2008

I have succumed to the Vampires & Werewolfs

So Thursday night, I got home from work and didn't want to watch the debate. Truth be told, I am so sick the this election (it seems like the campaign has been going for YEARS!!!) I decided to read. I am currently in the middle of 3 books, one about John Wilkes Boothe, one about Magellen and I had just started Twilight (about 20 pages in). So I grabbed what was handy and started reading Twilight about 8:30pm. And read and read and read. Finished at 5:30am and had to be at work at 7:00am. So I went up to Meagan's room to see if I could find the 2nd book to get started on it before work. Its probably a good thing that she had it out in her car (unbeknowst to me) because I probably would have been late for work. So I get home Friday night about 6:00 and she brings me the book about 10pm. So once again, an all-nighter reading. I finished it about noon yesterday (just in time for conference). I watched conference and went to pick Mason and his friends up from lagoon at 10pm. Then I had to rush home to start #3. But tragedy of all tragedies, we don't have Eclipse. So I sent Mason and Austin on a emergency book run to get the book. Then I realized how tired I was from 2 nights up all night so I was determined to SLEEP! I watched both sessions of conference. Ate our annual conference breakfast of strawberry pancakes and picked up a bit. NOW, I am 300 pages into Eclipse and I need to call my friend, Christine and make sure she brings me #4 to work tomorrow so I can finish. This is so reminiscent of Harry Potter. I never read 1 of the books until my mom came up a year ago for surgery. I read 1-7 in a week.
Reading is the best escape ever!
P.S. What's not to love about a book with a Porsche in it (although mine would be red)


RussandHeidi said...

I am so glad you started reading these books! They are so captivating. It is hard to believe that Twilight was her first novel ever. And that she never wanted to be a writer before. Anyway I love that you are into these books they are my fav! Well I hope you are able to catch up on your sleep! You will have to let me know what you think when you are finished with #4. Love ya!